Saturday, November 1, 2008

The deer, failing out of college, and the hitch-hiker who changed my life.

Okay so after the drama and such that unfolded Thursday night I headed home for a whole new story...okay so I'm in between Wellsboro and Mansfield and I hit a deer with grampa's car. I busted out the grill and all the fun stuff that mother fucker was HUGE I was so upset....okay so that was friday night, then this morning (sat.) morning went to class. well I failed out of college...and fuck you all for judging me. I really couldn't care what you think about me leaving college. I'm over it...really it's not the end of the world. I'm still pretty. I'm just whatever. I'm currently looking into schools that actually teach, I couldn't give a damn about that town or anything else HACC related. okay so after that was over and I deal with the day I drove past this guy who unbeknownst to me would be the breath of fresh air I needed. I picked him up, he'd been walking from oregon and he was headed to scranton with nothing but a winter coat and a hikers back pack. call me insane call me greyson I don't care, but I picked him up...and it was the best decision i've made this month. he has this real outlook on life like everything is everything, the colors are what they are and reality is what it is. and he chooses to be happy. we were talking about how big the world is and how small we really are, the possibilities of no more war, forgetting hate, moving on, freedom, a general concensious with our true selves, the truth, forgetting these sucky responsibilities, and just welcoming the real world and our lives with open arms, and a clear mind. I think i'm ready to look for the school to locate to. this guy really hit me hard and I consider him a friend now. He really changed my outlook in a matter of hours. A real breath of fresh air, he opened my eyes a little bit more to the icy cold breeze we choose to call reality, even if it does suck. Thanks Carl. Hakeilo

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My name is hubert.