Monday, February 2, 2009

let's play twister and have a damn good time.

So somebody who goes by the name Mr. Anonymous, started commenting on my blogs. I don't discuss my blog, anyone who has personally asked me to read my blog or that has read my earlier posts know, I don't discuss it, I won't discuss it, it's just a personal choice. Anyways, These comments intrigue me, it's weird but really, they interest me. Also to those of you who care, I'm going to pick up a copy of absolutely should-less tonight by Damon L Jacobs...It looks like shit I have to be honest.

Oh shut up I'm only joking, go buy it. I haven't read it yet but I'm sure it's great, the authors really cute.

p.s. I've been replying to your comments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want or intend to discuss your blog, they say plenty and require no discussion, I am just commenting.

My name is hubert.