Sunday, March 8, 2009

fuck my whole life....seriously just fuck the shit out of it.

I hate this, I'm moving back to Pennsylvania because my family is so fucked up it's unreal. I can't even handle it. For life is sucking right now and not because of anything I did but because of my family who cannot for the life of them be normal. I wish I would've been born a WASP. For real what I wouldn't give for a sober, forgiving, understanding, and open minded family without regrets. No lie, people don't ever see me behind the mask...if you could see my past I think alot of opinions about me would change...okay I need to go drink a little bit and fuck the pain away. Thanks mom for making me this mad... I hope the way I live my life makes you fucking proud!


Annette said...

It's about time, good riddance!

Myself said...

Dear annette,
Go To Hell.
Love Always,

My name is hubert.