Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in ages... please don't be angry. I've been so busy, and broke...(I'll send your money!) It's been crazy! The good news is, gradually things are getting better, everyday. Soon I will be standing on my own two feet. I swear it!

So tomorrow I begin my new workout!
I have decided I'm going to build a new me for key west in just over 30 days... so I am going to work my ass off! I begin my workout tomorrow night, with lifting a cardio.
The plan is
Cardio in the morning 2-3 hrs, eating small throughout the day and then at night 1-2 hrs of lifting. This workout is going to kill me. I swear it! The problem is, I can't have 100's of queens trying to maul me because I'm the only one who can crack walnuts with their ass, or because I don't have a washboard. Instead I've chosen to have 30 days of Britney momentum, the appetite of Mary Kate Olsen, and the determination of Dorothy! The wizard will have abs for me yet!
I've decided to post my progress as I bloat myself to hell by drinking a case of water a day, as well as starve my body of any real nutrients. Lots of protein, Cum is full of protein, if only I could find an endless supply! Also I have to stop smoking, which if you ask me is bullshit. Marlboros are much cooler than high tops. Whatever.
So tomorrow I will be writing more, as well as posting before pictures...if I ever take them. I'll probably be bloated from drinking all this tasteless fluid called water. I don't get the point, it doesn't burn going down. Why drink it?

Workout music anyone? Daft Punk Kanye Style - Harder

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My name is hubert.