Wednesday, July 2, 2008

sex lies and all your addictions.

So I'm home from camp for a couple days and I have SOOOOOOOOOO much schoolwork to catch up on so this blog is not going to be like "let me tell you all the stories about camp" it's agoing to be ashort and aeasy...I met some awesome people so far, I definitely have a crush...yea. I know. Then of course there is a rumor that I have a crush on some guy who is a lifeguard, all because I made a comment on how he's the big man on campus, he's very popular and so friendly. whatever. There is this one guy though, and he's really cute, and he has a perfect smile, but kinda a wierd laugh, oh well. We have ALOT in common, you'd be surprised. it's kinda wierd that I met him like right outside the infirmiry right after I got there and now I'm like WOAH! I don't know, he's so cute I just want to take him home, but like we have all seen in the past, I do pick losers....uhm major losers? anyways camp is so wierd like there is no internet, unless you're free all the time and you can spend every ounce of your time searching for a slight hint of a very slow internet connection, I don't even have the time to piss in a day there. Internet is kinda a priority for me, but not as much as surviving in the wilderness. I have my own room, which is nice, my own bathroom which is a must, i HATE sharing a shower, it's no fun. I have a bit of a sunburn by the way, and did I mention I have lost 12 pounds...freaking yes I did, we're going for 20 more and a 6 pack of abs, but let's face it, compromise can be neccesary. I work for these people who do not believe in smoking, it's like a major "NO". I would think that going for a nature hike and smoking would be acceptable, it's most certainly not. Also these people use the term "quitted" instead of "fired". why? because they view themselves as traditionalist parents, who refuse to be disobeyed. breaking one rule gets you fired. I'm waiting for my slip... it's only a matter of time, but seriously I've been good, a little lonely but good. I'm not really lonely there, like I am never by myself but I'm lonely in the aspect that I want to be home with my friends while they're home for the summer. another thing I've realized while at camp for 7 days is that not only can you not judge someone because they have the decency to speak to you before hearing you speak but also there are like 5 billion things I need to change about myself, cause right now, I'm beginning to realize how much I suck at alot of things, so anyways this I guess is my cigarette blog of the week because you won't be hearing from me for a while and I hope you can all understand that I have like no service at this place and no internet, bitch all you want but it's not going to get a cell tower in my bedroom, just know that. BY THE WAY, for those of you who know what I mean, he's back, and I'm not going to say no, even though I want to.
My name is hubert.