Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I hate my job.
I don't want to get paid. Ever. Again.
I want to run away to another country build a life with the natives and live off the land. I want to be a local. &&& I honestly think it's because I've always been so fucking desperate to fit in.

Ugh.... fuck it. I crave adventure every day. I'm hungry for it. I can't stand the cubicle life. The monotony of the shirt and tie. I just want to be free.

Save me.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

You're a coke whore, but so cute.

I've been drunk for the past 48 hours. I've lost clothing, acquired books, fucked up relationships and somehow got wedged between two naked lesbians. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written but I honestly have been so busy. I know have a good paying full time job. I'm in trouble with a TA on my floor because I flirted, went to far and now he's totally into me. Honestly why do people change their genders? I just don't understand it. I think it's great and I totally support it but really I want to know the drive behind it.... I'm so tired I can't write anymore... I'll try to write more this week. I have so much to blog about.
My name is hubert.