Saturday, August 15, 2009


My name is Greyson
I go by Grey
I'm a good person, with good morals. but...

I like to be obnoxious in my car.
I sleep with numerous random partners...some of them still don't have names.
I don't really care about anything.
I live my life to the fullest and still manage to fulfill my goals.
I show up inappropriatly drunk to many important things.
I also have a great sense of style.
I can hold more liqour than you...and I'll prove it.
I never carry a wallet.
I speed alot.
I don't do drugs, only because I can't afford it.
I write for numerous online blogs, I used to get paid until I decided to send in submissions I wrote while drinking.
I am always the life of the party.
I am not ashamed of how I dance after 3 drinks, depending on the strength...9.
I enjoy everyday life.
I love everyone, sometimes too much.
I honestly don't give a shit what people think about me.
I hate working, I'd rather volunteer over seas.
I often wish I could forget everyone in my life and start over
I cannot quit smoking to save my life.
I used to smoke less when I was a wino.
I am a total wino.
I am easy.
I am the cheapest date ever.
I really don't want to have sex with you, I'm just after your money.
I am probably looking around the room for your wallet while we fuck.
I will go through your medicine cabinet sometimes and always your glovebox.
I have the most fucked up fetishes.
I love writing about sex.
I love music.
I will fall in love with you if Third Eye Blind is playing while you blow me.
I am a total jerk.
I am a total liar.
I lie because I'm not that interesting.
I am ashamed of most of my childhood.
I will never tell anyone the full truth about my father.
I am quite intelligent.
I hate one person....more than anyone else in this world.
I love everyone but him.
I love sex, but it bores me to death... I have no idea why.
I don't want to be friends with any of my friends anymore.

Come to think of it, everyone says I'm so interesting but really I never believe it's me that's interesting. It's the fabricated me. It took years to perfect.

Non of my friends fit me anymore. They used to but now I'm different. The sad thing is I love them all so I can't do it because I've done it so many times before. I meet a girl, we're best friends and then I peace out when I'm bored. The problem is nobody can keep up with me anymore. I want to go out and drink and be insane and I have so much energy I could do it for days. Nobody else understands my enthusiasm for anything. I think that's what's so annoying about my friends. They are all so boring it's so maddening. They're working full time jobs and in their spare time they do things like homework or they sleep. When I get off work I come home get a sandwich and I'm ready to run to the river and swim, or go out dancing, or go to a show, or just run around downtown and be crazy. Nobody understands that. There's no charisma. OMG that's exactly what is is. My friends are wayyy too boring for me. I need a clone of me. But I'm too moody. The thing is they can keep up the charisma for a while then they're done. I need all new friends. Minus joe. I couldn't live without my joe.


Carly said...
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Carly said...

wow umm thanks

My name is hubert.