Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goodbye Mr.Anonymous.

Dear Mr.Anonymous,
Please stop reading my blog.
xoxo Grey

So I've disabled anonymous comments because I'm not going to have people commenting what I write and giving me advice, if I wanted it I'd ask. Also I'm not going to have people suggesting what I should do, with my life, or with any situation. I don't appreciate it. I know who it is. And it pisses me off but whatever.
So anyways, sorry no more anonymous commenting, this blog is an accurate recollection of my everyday life, and if people want to read it fine. Judgments are not. I'm not too happy about it but whatever one person who feels they have some great anonymous power because they sit behind a keyboard and make judgments is nobody I care to impress. I'm not out to look good, just to feel good. Also the reason I'm posting this is because there's a comment on my last entry about the HACC school and whatever else. are all more than welcome to read it, I by no means am a coward, especially in an instance like this, sure anonymity can be fun, until it's intrusive. I'm leaving the comment up along with the blog, and any of you who feel the need to read it...please do. I do what I want...


Anonymous said...

How was your date?

Damon L. Jacobs said...

This is why I don't believe in "shoulds". Well one of the many reasons, actually.

My name is hubert.