Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's whatever

So it's 330 am and I just woke up, I can't get back to sleep. I'll be out in a bit though I figured I would blog about a couple things though.

1| I never thought I could learn so much from just listening to my brother. Me and my brother Kip get along so well. There's just so much that I'm seeing now that's so different. I like it.
2| Some guys at work are trying to get with me, but in all honesty I want to get with the skater guy on the other side of nirvana ( our floor is called nirvana...right? )
3| Everyone at work wants to sit next to me, I'm cool with where I'm sitting but I wish the people who talk more would sit closer. My corner is boring. but my partner is funny as hell
4| I finally told my brother I think his girlfriend hates me. He assured me that was impossible and when he insisted I give him an answer I just said fuck it, don't bother. It was nice. I think I made my point. P.s. her speaker, is fine.
5| I still haven't called my mom, or anyone because I don't have a fone.
6| I don't know why the hell I'm doing this in list format.
7| I'm giving up on the other blog primarily because my room mates refuse to do it. And that's okay. I'll just do it myself.
8| I'm watching youtube...it's almost 4 damn it. Whatever, I'll chat at you bitches soon.

I need you to have blue eyes, I need them to be deep, I need them to be confusing, calm and soft. I want to get lost in them, I don't want to remember where I came from. I don't want to remember where we are. I don't want anything...but you. Cause you're the only one I want, you're the only one I need, you're the only thing that matters right now. I need you to be perfect.

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My name is hubert.