Saturday, November 15, 2008

coffee and smokes....over and over and over again.

wouldn't it be nice? to say hello to a stranger?...I said I don't get no sleep till I get him off my mind...

I'm depressed again...
Oh And I'm upset about just about everything.
I hate falling under.
It's like when you're at the beach and you just want to catch a quick breath...
But thats always when the biggest wave you've seen all day steals it.
and you're sucks...I know.
But right now I don't have time for sadness cause I have to get ready for work...and go buy coffee and smokes.


tell me are you alive?

ps I think erik rhodes the porn star is an awesome guy underneath it all. for real I think there's so much under the surface and I'd bet my life savings that underneath he's really a great caring guy who hates having his heart broken just as much as anyone else. I don't know why everyone thinks he's so cold.

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My name is hubert.